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City of Concord
Civic Engagement Tools

Attend Regular Committee Meetings

Every City and School District committee, board and commission invites the public to attend their meetings and make public comment.  This is an incredible way to learn about, and weigh in on, critical projects that effect you and the community.  

Officially Join a Board, Committee, or Commission

Currently, there are multiple vacancies on boards and commissions.  Concord needs YOU to fill these critical seats! 

Run for City Council or School Board

City Council members are democratically elected and act as the legislative branch and policy-making body of the city government. The Council looks to the city's goals, major projects and infrastructure improvements ranging from community growth to land use to finances and strategic planning.


School board members are the unsung heroes in communities throughout the country. They establish the vision and goals for the public schools in their district, and they set standards for the performance of schools and superintendents. School board members are elected by people in their community to represent their values, views, and desires for the public schools in their district.  Board members are more than policy-makers and administrators; they are advocates for students and their parents and entrusted to engineer a better future.

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